Batmix by Plagron is a blend of the best carefully selected types of peat. It contains various types of fibers and perlite resulting in a lightness and oxygen level expected only from quality Plagron substrates. The abundant presence of unique Plagron worm castings ensures vigorous plant growth and increased water retention. The main nutrient in Batmix is bat manure (Bat Guano). Bat manure is naturally rich in phosphorus and potassium, ensuring abundant flowering. Only under strictly controlled conditions can Bat Guano be transformed into the high-quality product Batmix. Batmix produces the highest yields when used with Plagron Alga Grow, Alga Bloom and Plagron additives.
Usage Batmix:
Plagron Batmix is a ready-to-use soilless medium for potting and repotting all flowering plants. Rinse with water before use to remove readily absorbable nutrients. After about 6 weeks, extra nutrition is needed, depending on the condition of the plant.
Batmix features:
Peat, perlite, worm castings, bat guano.
pH (EN13037): 6.1-7.5
EC (1:1.5): 1.0 - 1.5 mS/cm
Prefertilized with 10.5 kg/m³ of organic fertilizer (NPK 5.5-11-5.5)
Batmix by Plagron is a blend of the best carefully selected types of peat. It contains various types of fibers and perlite resulting in a lightness and oxygen level expected only from quality Plagron substrates. The abundant presence of unique Plagron worm castings ensures vigorous plant growth and increased water retention. The main nutrient in Batmix is bat manure (Bat Guano). Bat manure is naturally rich in phosphorus and potassium, ensuring abundant flowering. Only under strictly controlled conditions can Bat Guano be transformed into the high-quality product Batmix. Batmix produces the highest yields when used with Plagron Alga Grow, Alga Bloom and Plagron additives.
Usage Batmix:
Plagron Batmix is a ready-to-use soilless medium for potting and repotting all flowering plants. Rinse with water before use to remove readily absorbable nutrients. After about 6 weeks, extra nutrition is needed, depending on the condition of the plant.
Batmix features:
Peat, perlite, worm castings, bat guano.
pH (EN13037): 6.1-7.5
EC (1:1.5): 1.0 - 1.5 mS/cm
Prefertilized with 10.5 kg/m³ of organic fertilizer (NPK 5.5-11-5.5)
Batmix by Plagron is a blend of the best carefully selected types of peat. It contains various types of fibers and perlite resulting in a lightness and oxygen level expected only from quality Plagron substrates. The abundant presence of unique Plagron worm castings ensures vigorous plant growth and increased water retention. The main nutrient in Batmix is bat manure (Bat Guano). Bat manure is naturally rich in phosphorus and potassium, ensuring abundant flowering. Only under strictly controlled conditions can Bat Guano be transformed into the high-quality product Batmix. Batmix produces the highest yields when used with Plagron Alga Grow, Alga Bloom and Plagron additives.
Usage Batmix:
Plagron Batmix is a ready-to-use soilless medium for potting and repotting all flowering plants. Rinse with water before use to remove readily absorbable nutrients. After about 6 weeks, extra nutrition is needed, depending on the condition of the plant.
Batmix features:
Peat, perlite, worm castings, bat guano.
pH (EN13037): 6.1-7.5
EC (1:1.5): 1.0 - 1.5 mS/cm
Prefertilized with 10.5 kg/m³ of organic fertilizer (NPK 5.5-11-5.5)
Batmix di Plagron è una miscela dei migliori tipi di torba accuratamente selezionati. Contiene vari tipi di fibre e perlite che si traducono in una leggerezza e un livello di ossigeno che ci si aspetta solo dai substrati di qualità Plagron. L'abbondante presenza di unici rigetti di vermi Plagron garantisce una crescita vigorosa delle piante e una maggiore ritenzione idrica. Il principale nutriente in Batmix è il letame di pipistrello (Bat Guano). Il letame di pipistrello è naturalmente ricco di fosforo e potassio, garantendo un'abbondante fioritura. Solo in condizioni strettamente controllate Bat Guano può essere trasformato nel prodotto di alta qualità Batmix. Batmix produce i rendimenti più elevati se utilizzato con Plagron Alga Grow, Alga Bloom e gli additivi di Plagron.
Utilizzo Batmix:
Plagron Batmix è un terreno di coltura fuori suolo pronto all'uso per l'invasatura e il rinvaso di tutte le piante da fiore. Sciacquare con acqua prima dell'uso per eliminare i nutrienti immediatamente assorbibili. Dopo circa 6 settimane è necessaria una nutrizione extra, a seconda delle condizioni della pianta.
Caratteristiche Batmix:
Torba, perlite, rigetti di vermi, Guano di pipistrello.
pH (EN13037): 6.1-7.5
EC (1:1,5): 1.0 - 1.5 mS/cm
Prefertilizzato con 10,5 kg/m³ di fertilizzante organico (NPK 5,5-11-5,5)